TV Advertising by Concept TV

Local TV Advertising

For more information, call 0203 002 92 42

Local and Regional TV Advertising

We deliver both a complete “script-to-screen” Local TV Advertising service including production of your TV Commercial, or a Local TV Media Buying service if you already have a Clearcast Approved TV Commercial.

Advertise in your locality

We offer local TV Advertising Packages that will run in your locality, right down to the first two letters of a post code area. And we can target homeowners, growing families, South-facing gardens, and much more!

Scaled Regional Campaigns

We often arrange regional TV Advertising campaigns for companies that wish to start with smaller budgets and scale up as performance of the TV Advertising Medium becomes proven. To the viewer watching Coronation Street on ITV at peak time, you may as well be advertising nationally. It is a very affordable way of trying TV Advertising on main-stream television channels, without the substantial cost of a major national peak TV Advertising campaign.

Highly Demographic Profiled Local TV Advertising Campaigns

Sky Adsmart offers an unprecedented level of targeting, not only allowing post code geographic targeting, but also specific audience profiling. If selected, the homeowner that lives at number 42 will see your TV Commercial, whereas the renting students at number 43 will not. Want to know more about how this works? Call us on 0203 002 92 42.

Request a local TV Advertising Quote

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    You could advertise in your locality on these TV Channels and more:

    TV advertising on itv
    Low cost tv advertising on the Discovery Channels
    advertise on channel 4
    TV advertising on Channel 5
    Low cost tv advertising on Sky Adsmart Living HD
    London TV Advertising on London Live
    tv media buying for sky sports advertising.
    local TV Advertising with Made TV
    Low cost tv advertising on Sky One
    Advertise on Sky News